Fiona Tomley
Microbiologist and poultry health specialist
Royal Veterinary CollegeThe Executive Board is the Hub’s primary decision-making body. It has responsibility for defining and developing strategy that is implemented by operational committees and management teams.
Microbiologist and poultry health specialist
Royal Veterinary CollegeVeterinary epidemiologist
City University of Hong KongMicrobiologist
Christian Medical CollegeVeterinarian and global health security expert
Chatham HouseMicrobiologist
Nanyang Technological UniversityVeterinarian and animal virologist
Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences UniversityEpidemiologist and public health researcher
Chatham HouseResearcher in animal genetics and breeding
Gujarat Biotechnology Research CentreBackyard poultry researcher
University of PeradeniyaEpidemiologist
Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpment (CIRAD)Veterinarian
National Institute of Veterinary Research