Connecting researchers to better understand trade-offs in industrial farming

Artem Beliaikin via Unsplash
Collaboration type Network
Aim This network seeks to understand the trade-offs of large-scale, industrial livestock systems and to use available evidence to advocate for just and sustainable food systems, especially with and in the global South.
Problem addressed The negative externalities of industrial animal agriculture are becoming increasingly evident, from biodiversity loss and pollution to the amplification of zoonoses, but narratives supporting or challenging industrial animal agriculture lack nuance and context-specific evidence. We need nuanced, diversified, and accessible knowledge bases to contribute to just and sustainable livestock systems.
Focus The network is international, focusing on the global South.
Project duration October 2023 onwards.
Funder The Tiny Beam Fund’s Kindling Initiative
Partners The Royal Veterinary College (RVC), London
Principal investigator Dr Mehroosh Tak (RVC)
GCRF One Health Poultry Hub involvement Hub members shaped the aims and agenda of the network, provided administrative and research support, and conducted trainings with network members. Involved members include Dr Mehroosh Tak (RVC) as project and research lead, Barbara Haesler (RVC), Fiona Tomley (RVC), and Lavinia Scudiero (RVC) who helped shape and support network activities, and Naomi Marks (IDS) who designed and conducted trainings.
Further information Visit the CRILS Network website to find out more.