Roadmap Series
Food systems: prioritising people or poultry
Published on 03/03/2021
How sustainable can poultry ever be? Who should eat our crops and what is the future for innovation in protein and micronutrient production?

Pijarn Jangsawang/pxhere
This event featured panellists Professor Robyn Alders, Senior Consulting Fellow, Global Health Programme, Chatham House, and Professor Mario Herrero, Chief Research Scientist of Agriculture and Food, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). It was moderated by Professor Fiona Tomley, of the Royal Veterinary College, UK, and Director of the GCRF One Health Poultry Hub, and took place on Wednesday 3 March 2021.
Watch the recording here:
- Demand for poultry is increasing at fast rates.
- Poultry has lowest greenhouse gas emissions of all animal source foods.
- Poultry systems need to be well regulated for welfare, pandemic risk, pollution.
- Studies into sustainable diets for people and poultry, are hampered by a lack of robust data across different agroecological zones & poultry production systems & on the proportion of edible carcass parts entering the human food chain.
- Animal-source food provides multiple essential bioavailable micronutrients in addition to calories and protein.
- Poultry can play multiple roles at the household level in addition to food and nutrition security.