Only if our research and related activities are put to use and they contribute to real and positive change will we have met our global challenge.
The end users of our research include all those along the poultry supply chains in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. These range from producers and breeders of chickens and eggs through to those consuming chicken meat and chicken products, and taking in the very many local, national, regional and international actors whose decisions influence and regulate them.
They are also likely to include these stakeholders in other countries in South and Southeast Asia, as well as elsewhere where livestock intensification also presents a growing disease risk.
To ensure lasting and positive impact from the Hub’s work, we are undertaking a range communications, engagement and capacity-building processes, activities and outputs to interact with and influence these various stakeholders.
We will also be piloting interventions and working with others as we seek to make a difference.
Below, Professor David Heymann of Chatham House talks about the Hub’s approach to impact.